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Radium - Python Keylogger

--> Coded by: Mehul Jain(mehulj94@gmail.com)
--> Github: https://github.com/mehulj94
--> Twitter: https://twitter.com/_b00geyman_
--> For windows only

→ Applications and keystrokes logging
→ Screenshot logging
→ Drive tree structure
→ Logs sending by email
→ Password Recovery for
  • Chrome
  • Mozilla
  • Filezilla
  • Core FTP
  • CyberDuck
  • FTPNavigator
  • WinSCP
  • Outlook
  • Putty
  • Skype
  • Generic Network
→ Cookie stealer
 → Keylogger stub update mechanism 
→ Gather system information 
  • Internal and External IP
  • Ipconfig /all output 
  • Platform

→ Download the libraries if you are missing any.
→ Set the Gmail username and password and remember to check allow connection from less secure apps in Gmail settings.
→ Set the FTP server. Make the folder Radium in which you'll store the new version of exe.
→ Set the FTP ip, username, password.
→ Remember to encode the password in base64.
→ Set the originalfilename variable in copytostartup(). This should be equal to the name of the exe.
→ Make the exe using Pyinstaller
→ Keylogs will be mailed after every 300 key strokes. This can be changed.
→ Screenshot is taken after every 500 key strokes. This can be changed.
→ Remember: If you make this into exe, change the variable "originalfilename" and "coppiedfilename" in function copytostartup().
→ Remember: whatever name you give to "coppiedfilename", should be given to checkfilename in deleteoldstub().

Things to work on

→ Persistence
→ Taking screenshots after a specific time. Making it keystrokes independent.
→ Webcam logging
→ Skype chat history stealer
→ Steam credential harvester

About Author

Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.